Exam 70-499 MCSD:ALM Recertification exam prep

By Anthony Borton

To keep the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer: Application Lifecycle Management (MCSD:ALM) certification current you must complete a recertification exam every two years. Since the release of the MCSD:ALM certification, many of our students have taken our TFS courses to help them prepare for the exams.

As the two year recertification deadline starts to arrive,  early charter exam members are facing the task of preparing for the recertification exam. Here are some helpful resources to help you focus your study.

If you do not currently hold the MCSD:ALM certification, you will be required to complete three exams to earn this certification. QuickLearn Training offers great instructor led courses to help you prepare for these exams.

Aligning Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services Development with Enterprise Integration Patterns

By Nick Hauenstein

We have just finished a fairly large effort in moving the QuickLearn Training Team blog over to http://www.quicklearn.com/blog, as a result we had a mix-up with the link for our last post.

This post has moved here: Aligning Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services Development with Enterprise Integration Patterns